As anyone who lives on a farm knows, things (and animals) must rotate in and out, to keep order and a peaceful flow. For example...when a billy goat sires enough daughters, some of the daughters are kept back and the billy is sold to a new farm, and a new, unrelated billy will take its place to breed the entire herd of does. It is how it is done. It applies to many things.
Today on the farm, we said farewell to two members...Snickers the stud pony and Jebediah, one of Winnie's puppies. Snickers sired many babies here, and it was fun to watch them be born, to watch them grow, and to watch the sparkle in the eyes as the new owners stroked their necks for the first time and said "yes! We will take him!"
With Luna being down with her injury, she has not been very happy being away from Snickers, and he has kept her wound up and has caused much uproar for all the mares here. He wants her to run free with him again, and this can't be so. His constant pawing and squealing has kept Luna and everyone uptight and unnerved. I made the decision that it would be best if he found a new home. It was the only way to keep peace in a desperate time of much needed healing. Snickers has had his time here, there are no more babies to raise, his little mares are gone, save for Licorice, Izzy's pony.
Around 1 pm today, a very happy and anxious lady drove out to the farm, trailer in tow, and couldn't have been more excited at the sight of little Snickers. She said he would be perfect for her breeding farm, and within half an hour, we had him loaded in the trailer and off down the road he went!
I must say that the difference has been amazing! Snickers being gone has restored so much peace and quietness here that you could hear a pin drop...or a duck quack....which you're more likely to hear a duck quack first...around here anyways.
Luna is calm, Shunami is a completely different horse altogether, even Licorice has a certain new zen about her. I truly believe Snickers had such a control over them that now they are able to have their own happy little Red Hat Society about them, or Ya Ya Sisterhood. No more man to boss them around.
The paddock is so calm you could meditate out there.
Next to find a home today was Jebediah, Truffle and Winnie's 2nd out of 4 pups. There was John, Jebediah, Abel, and Joe, all Amish named. Joe went to live with Nick Reiter and his wonderful family in Ohio, Abel is at a farm in the town over, and today, Jebediah went to a family in Raymore. I am very pleased with the placement of the pups! Oh yes....John...wellll.....John may just be staying here! He and Joe were almost identical in nature and personality, which was identical to Truffle's. Since Joe is gone, perhaps John needs to stay...hmmm....we'll see....
As for Luna, she and I are vibing much better. She is walking better...still favoring that hoof...but better. I have high hopes!
I am feeling overall so much better than I have the past week....I am feeling optimistic, especially after restoring some peace here. It is happier, and I like that.
Shunami has been very cuddly to me after Snickers has left, I honestly think she is thanking me for relieving her of the nuisance Snickers! He WAS a pain! LOL!
It is always sad to bid farewell to any of the animals, but things grow up or their purpose is served and a rotation must follow, whether they be sold, retired, traded, or even butchered. It is the law of the everchanging farm.
And so it must be.
*sniff* I will miss you Snickers and Jebediah...