Saturday, June 6, 2009

Blessed Be The Lady!

This early morning as I was entering the kitchen for my morning shot of caffeine, I just HAPPENED to glance out the window at the "pool", which is nothing more than a 2 foot shallow large round cattle trough. For just a moment, I thought I saw something IN the water but disappear behind the wall of the trough. There is a flotsam and jetsam of toys floating in the trough for the childrens' amusement, but this, as split second as it was, seemed to be floating at a much faster pace than the rest of the toys.

I decided to go on out the back porch and check it out, just to be sure. And as soon as my feet hit the brick of the patio, I could hear a warbled "mewing"! Oh my goodness! I peeked over the side of the trough and sure enough one of our farm kittens had fallen into the water and was treading laps!! The poor thing!! Lord/ess only knows how long he had been in there! There was not enough water for him to grab onto the side and pull himself out, and no sturdy toy to grab onto! I reached in and scooped his cold wet body out of there.

It wasn't but yesterday I had a feeling about that trough, that something was going to happen like that with one of the animals. Last year I had had a dreadful fear of filling it up for the kids to play in as a pool, and then having an animal (or baby Sam!) fall in and not being able to get back out while no one was out there. I had set a patio chair in the water when the kids weren't playing just incase it happened again, the critter would have a safe place to get up on and to keep from drowning.

After I saw that Jeans the kitten was no worse for wear, I put that patio chair back in the trough! Now if he or his brother Boots happens to fall in, they'll have something to get up on and climb out!

He's ok folks, but had I not been at the window looking may have been another half hour or longer before I did chores..and who knows what his fate may have been! How long he had been out there before I DID see him, only the Universe knows.